Antibacterial soap,
Environmental Science & Technology,
Food and Drug Administration,
Sewage treatment,
Your tooth paste is poisoning the world....... and you!
24.9.15Putting toothpaste on a toothbrush. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
So your toothpaste has the best anti-bacterial properties there are to offer and you use it every morning and evening. If that was not enough, there is also the anti-bacterial soap that helps you kills those germs on your hand and the anti-bacterial detergent that is keeping your clothes clean as well. You are well protected from all the germs but what about the poisoning it causes.
Brushing your teeth in the morning might seem like a trivial thing to do, but did you know that every time you rinse your mouth, you are sending down a batch of antibacterial products that are still active and cannot be broken down by sewage treatment plants. Triclosan, or Triclocarban, the commonly used anti-bacterial agents in toothpastes, soaps and disinfectants, cannot be broken down and often find their way to water bodies. This wonderful infographic from GRIST, tells us the story of how these antibacterial products make their way into the food chain, whether through your leafies or even the fish you eat and eventually back to you!!!
Do you still believe your anti-bacterial toothpaste is doing you good?
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